Sunday 28 December 2008

Hi, I'm completely new to this blogging malarchy and haven't the faintest clue how it works, just winging it. So excuse any ridiculous mistakes please. It's just that it's 2.33am Monday morning and I can't sleep again! Hope waffling makes me sleepy. I know everyone mostly enjoyed Christmas and I don't wish to take away from them and their kids, but mine has been excrutiatingly painful, dragging myself through the days, my first without my darling Tyler, who passed away from CF in july 2008, aged only 8. I tried very hard to ignore Xmas and pretend it wasn't happening, as for the life of me I just could not even glance towards a festive bauble or piece of wrapping paper without welling up. I just couldn't believe I couldn't due my usual spoiling and indulging of my fabulous son. What point is xmas then?
Anyway, feeling pretty melodromatic at the moment, maybe someone will read this and take pity on me, maybe find a ray of light to send? thanks for listening! Tracey


  1. Thank you for your comment on my blog. I'm very sorry that you lost your son. I'll be praying for you.

  2. Some parents I know of who have lost their children do this, and maybe it could help you to. What they do on occasions like Christmas and their child's birthday, is they buy presents or collect toy donations and take them to a hospital that treated their child and give them to the children there in honor of them. They say it helps them to not feel like they're leaving their child out of the holiday, and it helps them to see another child smile because of their child. Also it can help them so that it doesn't feel so incredibly sad going to the store and seeing things they would want to get for their child and not being able to. I know nothing can make the pain go away, but maybe it could help you just a little. I know that now in these tough times many sick kids are going without Christmas all together because all the money is spent on treatment, so it helps their parents who are very scared, too. After all, just because you can't see your precious Tyler smile now doesn't mean you can't make another child like him smile. I'm sure he would love to look down from Heaven and see his fellow CF warriors happy because his mummy wanted to make them smile in honor of him.

    Hang in there, you are a very brave woman and I know Tyler is so very proud of you!

    If it is okay, could I post a prayer request for you on my blog?

    With love and support,
